Before - My name is Brenda.

This is my alter ego, I like to call her Stella. In 2011, I had hit my unhealthiest at 44% body fat. I began to have minor health issues.. one being sick often. After some blood work, I was told that I was Pre-diabetic, had high cholesterol and triglycerides and my IBS was out of control. Mind you, I was 47 lbs overweight, but my Body Fat was out of control for my height! I consulted a friend that was a Personal Trainer/Nutrition Coach and there my journey began.



The journey was not a short one. It was all about changing my mindset with food more than anything. I had to work every day to learn to listen to my body and know what made me feel good and energetic and what wreaked havoc on my body. Staying consistent with your workouts is very important, but

Nutrition is KEY!